Thursday, July 16, 2020

An Introduction To The Law Of Attraction

Hi friends! 

This week I want to briefly touch on something that I am currently in the process of learning more about myself - The Law Of Attraction. In my recent studies and healing I have came across this teaching MANY times. This is a very powerful method and it makes you not only question your way of thinking but it makes you more conscience about the thoughts that you let come in and out of your head. We all know that the brain is a powerful thing, but the skill lies in on how well you can control it.


Here is a brief history on this teaching. Of course, I had to reference some sources and I applied them at the end. Please check them out if you are interested in learning more. Many thanks to these articles in helping me to obtain more in dept education on this concept.

The Law of Attraction was first thought to have been taught to humans hundred of years ago by the immortal Buddha. It is historically believed that he wanted it to be known that 'what you have become is what you have taught'. This belief creates the foundation of The Law of Attraction. As this concept was spread throughout western culture the term "Karma" was eventually discovered as well. That is an entire blog post on its own though!

For centuries it has been a common understanding among many cultures, including ours, that what you give out to the world (happiness, anger, hate, or love) is ultimately what can be return to your own life.

The power of attraction, however, is not a new concept.

 Many civilizations and religious groups have actually practiced the Law of Attraction.

 For example, in Christianity Proverbs 23:7 reads, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."

Author Nina Amir provides good example of how this method is used in the Judaism religion. The belief of "What we think is what we get" has been a longtime teaching to its followers. Kabbalists, known as Jewish mystics, were aware that thoughts and words - especially combined with feelings - would manifest our wants. They taught that the Hebrew or known as the "Holy Language" was very special because the letter posses an extraordinary energy force which made it a primordial tool for creation.

This is proof that the Law of Attraction can be uncovered, demonstrated, recorded, and taught in may different ways throughout our history and is still available for humanity to discover. There is even science behind this teaching that includes quantum physics, which is a very popular science in spirituality, that proves this teaching. I encourage you all to dig into those studies!

I highly encourage you to research this method in reference to all religions to see what their view is on it.

The Seven Rules Of The Law Of Attraction

  1. Focus on what you want, not on what you don't want.
  2. Expect the best and you will get the best.
  3. Never mind "what is" but imagine it the way you want it to be.
  4. Notice and appreciate every little good thing in your life.
  5. Change your beliefs to reshape your reality.
  6. Focus on possibilities and not limitations.
  7. Practice gratitude like a religion.

How To Use The Law Of Attraction

This is a concept that can be simple yet challenging at the same time. You have to change your response to daily situations. You will need to change your way of thinking to focus more on the things you want out of this life. You also can focus more on the things that make you feel good and get involved in the creation of your future by controlling your thoughts and emotions. 

This is something that was heavily taught to me in therapy when it came to dealing with depression and anxiety - control your thoughts and emotions!

You will need to ask God and/or the Universe and/or your creator more of what you want and less of what you don't want. You must be aware that you attract things into your that you give you energy and attention to - whether it is wanted or not. You can manifest anything you want, but you have to learn how to control the mind. See the pattern here?

You will have to firmly believe that you will get what you want. 

Now Sarah, what do you mean by this? 

This means that you stay positive knowing that you put your future into the hands of your higher power whether that is your creator or the universe (whichever spirituality or religion you practice) and know that your higher power will always have your best interested in mind. However, this is far from easy because our beliefs just always seem to get in the way which creates a blockage from us receiving abundance and happiness. 

If you struggle with this like I use to, the first thing you have to do is the change your perspective. I cannot stress enough how powerful perspective is!

 You have to change your mindset into thoughts that you deserve love, you are worthy, you are desirable, you are capable of doing anything you want, and that you are strong enough. You must change your thoughts to mirror that you are good enough in every way possible.This is a challenge but it is not impossible to do. This is why yous should practice daily affirmations. Once you believe that you are enough to get what you want you must then take action. It is not just enough to think it - you have to put in the work as well. 

You will then need to match your vibration to the desire that you want. Viberational matches attract what you want into your life. If  you are new to this spiritual phrase it simply means you need to match the energy that you hold within yourself and the energy you give out to what you are wanting. You must raise your vibration to match what you are wanting. 

In order to change or raise your viberational match, you must focus on creating more positive emotions such as love, happiness, joy, and like I said above practice gratitude like a religion! Also, practicing the emotions that you would feel as if you are experiencing receiving what you want will help too. These emotions are, of course, created through our thoughts. If you didn't know, your thoughts are creating feelings all the time which is why it is important to catch yourself when your emotions begin to tremble off towards the negative side.

This is something that takes time. I learned this concept in therapy and I am still working on trying to master it. Like I said above, the mind is a powerful thing but you become even more powerful when you learn how to CONTROL it!

I hope this provides a great new perspective on life and I hope you learned a lot. Please visit the sources I listed above if you want to dive deeper into this concept and do some research of your own. You will be so amazed at what you learn!


Amir, Nina.A Jewish Mystical Perspective on Law Of Attraction.

I actually recommend this website if you would like to read up more on this teaching. 

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